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Results 1 to 25 of 182

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Urbanization impacts on habitat and bird communities in a Sonoran desert ecosystemGREEN, Douglas M; BAKER, Micheal G.Landscape and urban planning. 2003, Vol 63, Num 4, pp 225-239, issn 0169-2046, 15 p.Article

SEED DISPERSAL OF DESERT ANNUALSVENABLE, D. Lawrence; FLORES-MARTINEZ, Arturo; MULLER-LANDAU, Helene C et al.Ecology (Durham). 2008, Vol 89, Num 8, pp 2218-2227, issn 0012-9658, 10 p.Article

How local extinction changes rarity : an example with Sonoran Desert fishesFAGAN, William F; STEPHENS, Alisa J.Ecography (Copenhagen). 2006, Vol 29, Num 6, pp 845-852, issn 0906-7590, 8 p.Article

Evaluation of species-area functions using Sonoran Desert plant data : not all species-area curves are power functionsSTILES, Arthur; SCHEINER, Samuel M.Oikos. 2007, Vol 116, Num 11, pp 1930-1940, issn 0030-1299, 11 p.Article

THE INFLUENCE OF DRAINAGE NETWORKS ON PATTERNS OF SOIL RESPIRATION IN A DESERT CATCHMENTSPONSELLER, Ryan A; FISHER, Stuart G.Ecology (Durham). 2008, Vol 89, Num 4, pp 1089-1100, issn 0012-9658, 12 p.Article

The effect of geographic range position on demographic variability in annual plantsGERST, Katharine L; ANGERT, Amy L; LAWRENCE VENABLE, D et al.Journal of ecology. 2011, Vol 99, Num 2, pp 591-599, issn 0022-0477, 9 p.Article

Urbanization Alters Soil Microbial Functioning in the Sonoran DesertHALL, S. J; AHMED, B; ORTIZ, P et al.Ecosystems (New York, NY. Print). 2009, Vol 12, Num 4, pp 654-671, issn 1432-9840, 18 p.Article

PLEISTOCENE IMPACTS ON THE PHYLOGEOGRAPHY OF THE DESERT POCKET MOUSE (CHAETODIPUS PENICILLATUS)JEZKOVA, Tereza; JAEGER, Jefr; MARSHALL, Zane L et al.Journal of mammalogy. 2009, Vol 90, Num 2, pp 306-320, issn 0022-2372, 15 p.Article

Soil Texture Drives Responses of Soil Respiration to Precipitation Pulses in the Sonoran Desert : Implications for Climate ChangeCABLE, Jessica M; OGLE, Kiona; WILLIAMS, David G et al.Ecosystems (New York, NY. Print). 2008, Vol 11, Num 6, pp 961-979, issn 1432-9840, 19 p.Article

Simulating the dynamics of primary productivity of a sonoran ecosystem : Model parameterization and validationWEIJUN SHEN; JIANGUO WU; KEMP, Paul R et al.Ecological modelling. 2005, Vol 189, Num 1-2, pp 1-24, issn 0304-3800, 24 p.Article

PHOTOSYNTHETIC RESOURCE-USE EFFICIENCY AND DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABILITY IN DESERT WINTER ANNUAL PLANTSHUXMAN, Travis E; BARRON-GAFFORD, Greg; GERST, Katharine L et al.Ecology (Durham). 2008, Vol 89, Num 6, pp 1554-1563, issn 0012-9658, 10 p.Article

Communal roosting in a very small bird : consequences for the thermal and respiratory gas environmentsWALSBERG, G. E.The condor (Los Angeles, CA). 1990, Vol 92, Num 3, pp 795-798, issn 0010-5422, 4 p.Article

Papago Indian desert agriculture and water control in the Sonoran Desert, 1697-1934 = Agriculture du désert indien Papago et contrôle de l'eau dans le désert Sonora, 1697-1934NABHAN, G. P.Applied geography (Sevenoaks). 1985, Vol 6, Num 1, pp 43-59, issn 0143-6228Article

Sensitivity to climate change for two reptiles at the Mojave-Sonoran Desert interfaceBARROWS, C. W.Journal of arid environments. 2011, Vol 75, Num 7, pp 629-635, issn 0140-1963, 7 p.Article

Digital image-derived greenness links deep soil moisture to carbon uptake in a creosotebush-dominated shrublandKURC, S. A; BENTON, L. M.Journal of arid environments. 2010, Vol 74, Num 5, pp 585-594, issn 0140-1963, 10 p.Article

Near-surface wind flow around desert shrubsLEE, J. A.Physical geography. 1991, Vol 12, Num 2, pp 140-146, issn 0272-3646Article

The paradoxical distribution of a shallow-rooted keystone species away from surface water, near the water-limited edge of its range in the Sonoran Desert: Seed-seedling conflictsDREZNER, Taly Dawn.Acta oecologica (Montrouge). 2013, Vol 47, pp 81-84, issn 1146-609X, 4 p.Article

Cohort establishment on slopes: Growth rates, demographic patterns, and the relationship to volcanic eruptionsDONNERMEYER, C. J; DREZNER, T. D.Journal of arid environments. 2012, Vol 76C, pp 133-137, issn 0140-1963, 5 p.Article

Variation in monsoon precipitation drives spatial and temporal patterns of Larrea tridentata growth in the Sonoran DesertSPONSELLER, Ryan A; HALL, Sharon J; HUBER, David P et al.Functional ecology (Print). 2012, Vol 26, Num 3, pp 750-758, issn 0269-8463, 9 p.Article

An assessment of revegetation treatments following removal of invasive Pennisetum ciliare (buffelgrass)WOODS, S. R; FEHMI, J. S; BACKER, D. M et al.Journal of arid environments. 2012, Vol 87, pp 168-175, issn 0140-1963, 8 p.Article

Urbanization alters spatiotemporal patterns of ecosystem primary production : A case study of the Phoenix metropolitan region, USABUYANTUYEV, A; WU, J.Journal of arid environments. 2009, Vol 73, Num 4-5, pp 412-420, issn 0140-1963, 9 p.Article

Temporal patterns of bat activity in Southern ArizonaKUENZI, Amy J; MORRISON, Michael L.The Journal of wildlife management. 2003, Vol 67, Num 1, pp 52-64, issn 0022-541X, 13 p.Article

NESTEDNESS OF REMNANT SONORAN DESERT PLANT COMMUNITIES IN METROPOLITAN PHOENIX, ARIZONASTILES, Arthur; SCHEINER, Samuel M.Ecology (Durham). 2008, Vol 89, Num 9, pp 2473-2481, issn 0012-9658, 9 p.Article

Genotypic diversity among pasture and roadside populations of the invasive buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare L. Link) in north-western MexicoGUTIERREZ-OZUNA, R; EGUIARTE, L. E; MOLINA-FREANER, F et al.Journal of arid environments. 2009, Vol 73, Num 1, pp 26-32, issn 0140-1963, 7 p.Article

Improved land-atmosphere relations through distributed footprint sampling in a subtropical scrubland during the North American monsoonVIVONI, Enrique R; WATTS, Christopher J; RODRIGUEZ, Julio C et al.Journal of arid environments. 2010, Vol 74, Num 5, pp 579-584, issn 0140-1963, 6 p.Article

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